tumor and cancer

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The Leading Cause of Death in the World Today is Ignorance!

“Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius — and a lot of courage — to move in the opposite direction.” Albert Einstein 1879 –1955

The medical establishment, lost in the false belief that they “know best”, have become blind to the obvious statistics of harm that Big Pharma drugs and needless surgeries cause. Ironically, they are quick to label anything outside their dogma quackery and pseudoscience; such as the alkalizing lifestyle and diet.. And sadly, when those in the holistic healthcare arena challenge this ignorant concept, the challenger is often dismissed as a “brainwashed sham artist” or an “uneducated idiot” without really being heard.

When did such arrogance become so deeply entrenched in our professed superior modern society? When reading the history of medicine some of you would laugh at what was once widely thought to be effective medicine. Surely we have not regressed back to the close-mindedness of the Dark Ages Inquisition, dismissing any contrary opinion as heresy. Or have we?

Outcry for a Change
In today’s world, there seems to be an outcry for a change in healthcare or wellness care, and I’m not speaking about the healthcare we hear about in politics. No, I’m speaking of health care as opposed to sick or disease care.

If modern evidence based medicine, which is based on testing and observing, thus, “proving” the effectiveness of treatments, is so successful in its fundamental premise, why are people sicker than ever? Shouldn’t the opposite be occurring? Especially here in America, the self-proclaimed most advanced country in the world of medicine! (Currently with a health ranking of 39 in the World)

Thousands of people a day die from our conventional medical care (the medical treatments from conventional medicine is the 3rd leading cause of death just behind heart disease and cancer) and, yet there are basically zero outcries from the ‘skeptics’ of natural alkalizing health care. As though in some sort of trance, they simply repeat the same mantras against alternative care…“it’s quackery care”… which is, mind you, the very thing they accuse alternative advocates of doing: chanting mantras against Evidence Based Medicine (EBM)!

Furthermore, despite the mounting presence of evidence that is in favor of the pH Miracle natural health care approach, they nonetheless bury their collective heads into the ground in denial, but not without first crying “but it’s still quackery!”

Scrutiny of Modern Medicine
An intelligent person should be asking why modern medicine is not subjected to the same scrutiny that “alternative” or "traditional" or "complimentary" or "alkalizing" protocols or treatments constantly are, especially when the failures of so-called modern medicine (only 100 years old) are resulting in more and more needless injuries and deaths, not to mention the very diseases they are supposedly fighting against are statistically getting worse.

Cancer in women is NOW 1 in 3 and cancer in men is NOW 1 in 2. So if the health and well-being of the community isn’t benefiting, then what else can it be? MONEY? What is a person’s life worth anyway?

We all have heard of horror stories of injuries caused by a medical doctor (Medical Doctors are the 3rd leading cause of death in America), but we excuse it for some reason. Well, a major reason is because we aren’t even able to sue a medical doctor for negligence, as such legal actions (aka. “Frivolous Lawsuits”) were blamed for higher insurance premiums.

Of course, in the relatively rare event (as compared to medical doctor’s accidents) when an injury occurs with a chiropractor or holistic practitioner, it becomes a front page stoning by the so-called skeptics. Of course they are chanting, “Quack, sham artist, lack of evidence based medicine, etc”.

The hypocrisy is truly mind blowing!
A good example is comparing a chiropractic “adjustment” to an osteopathic “adjustment”. Although, oddly enough, despite the years of training and expertise of a chiropractor, for some reason (beyond logical belief) skeptics proclaim that a spinal “adjustment” is safer when an osteopath does the procedure then the chiropractor; especially when referring to the neck. In other words, chiropractic = quackery; whereas, osteopath = safe.
Let me ask the obvious question here. If it is quackery and unsafe, wouldn’t that exact procedure still be quackery no matter who delivers the adjustment? Moreover; don’t osteopaths receive substantially less training in adjusting or manipulation techniques than chiropractors? Who would you trust?
Aren’t you glad people are finally waking up and realizing the truth? I am!

Education NOT Medication!
Educaiton NOT Vaccination!
Self-care NOT Health-care!
Prevention NOT Intervention!
Younga Care NOT Sick Care!

To learn more about the New Biology and a new way of living, eating and thinking read The pH Miracle book 1, The pH Miracle revised and updated book 2, The pH Miracle for Cancer, The pH Miracle for Diabetes, The pH Miracle for Weight Loss, Sick and Tired, Back to the House of Health book 1, Back to the House of Health book 2, The Blood, The Third Anatomical Element, The Origin of Organic Beings, Reverse Cancer Now, Herbal Nutritional Medications, A Finger on the Magic of Life, Pathological Blood Coagulation and A Second Thought About Viruses, Vaccines and the HIV/Ebola Hypothesis - www.phmiracle.com or www.phmiraclebooks.com

Easy Daily Anti Cancer Diet

No matter whether you have a family history of cancer or not, anti-cancer diet, can be a very important determining factor for preventing cancer. The selection of healthy foods can make you live a healthy life, free from diseases, and cancer free.

According to research by experts from the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) conducted in 2007, a healthy lifestyle that combines the anti-cancer diet, exercise, and also an effort to maintain weight, prevent someone from getting cancer risk of about 1/3 of the entire types of cancer have been found. Food intake consists of minerals, vitamins and phytochemicals produce a synergy that gives the effect of cancer-free.
diet for free cancer
anti cancer diet

Still according to AICR, high caloric intake can cause your obesity, hoard a lot of fat, and increase the risk of cancer. Run an anti-cancer diet by increasing the intake of vegetables and fruits are low in calories and maintain healthy weight. Recommended to meet 2/3 of your plate with vegetables, fruits, and nuts in order to be successful anti-cancer diet.

In addition, one of the reasons why vegetables, fruits, and nuts and other foods, which in essence is grown foods is important to be included in the anti-cancer diet is because all of these foods contain fiber. According to Karen Collins, MS, RD, CDN, nutrition consultant professionals from AICR in Washington, DC, fiber is the best anti-cancer substances. Consume lots of fiber, such as that published by the media, can help digestion and keep you from the risk of colon cancer. Fibers into the main comestible ingredients that must be included in the anti-cancer diet.

However, there are some obstacles in this anti-cancer diet. Not all people can live without being able to taste the meat or cheese. If forced to consume cheese, try to get the cheese from animals that consume grass, not corn, soy or wheat. Why? Because the cheese produced by grass-eating animals produce conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) which is a substance free of cancer, according to research conducted by the National Institute of Agronomy Research in Tours, France.

For meat, you should be able to say farewell to the existing red meat in a delicious menu like steak or a cheeseburger. In the anti-cancer diet, red meat no longer has a place and its function replaced by seafood (sea food). Red meat contains a lot of fat that makes you susceptible to colon cancer. This statement is proven through research conducted in 1976 by a group of researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health who examined 88,000 healthy women aged 34 to 59 years. As a result, the risk of colon cancer rose to 2.5-fold in those who frequently consume beef, pork or goat too.

below a sample of anti cancer diet for daily purpose you can follow :

• Breakfast:
- Drinking water mixed with the juice of one or two lemons. Lemon has a strong antioxidant, good for cancer patients.
- Boiled white eggs.
- If you want breakfast with carbohydrates, choose whole grain bread or the most good is oatmeal. Create a delicious oatmeal with a mixture of pieces of apples, pears, or bananas. If necessary, add nonfat probiotic yogurt.

• Lunch:
- Brown rice or potatoes with skin (steamed or boiled).
- Boiled or steamed vegetables.
- Vegetable protein, such as tofu or soybean cooked by boiling or steaming. But, for those of you who have estrogen receptor positive, this streak of your food list.
- Animal protein, such as fish and chicken, boiled or steamed.

• Dinner:
- Just like at lunch, but less servings of brown rice or potatoes.

• Snacks:
- Fruit or juice without milk and sugar.

High antioxidant consumption every day!
Antioxidants are substances that protect body cells from the harmful effects of free radicals, which can cause disease in the body. To ensure adequate intake of antioxidants, eat foods high in antioxidants following:
• Try to eat 15 pieces of colorful fruit.
• Eat three to five servings of vegetables per day. Of the five vegetables, broccoli must be consumed as it contains high antioxidants.

The body needs good fat
• omega-6 fatty acids contained in corn has good antioxidant. Get used to eating corn with ample portions and cooked by boiling with the corn skin.
• Omega 9 fatty acids contained in olive oil, canola oil, avocado fruits (avocado consumption without sugar and milk), and nuts.

Sea cucumber extract kills 95 percent of breast cancer cells and shrinks lung tumors

A new study has shown that sea cucumber extract kills up to 95 percent of breast cancer cells, 90 percent of melanoma cells, 95 percent of liver cancer cells and 88 percent of lung cancer cells in vitro. The extract also stimulates the immune system against cancer and impedes key processes required for metastasis. 

While the science behind this is very new to Western medicine, the sea cucumber has been used in Chinese medicine for centuries.

Sea cucumber extracts potently kill multiple cancer cell lines

In previous studies, extracts of sea cucumber have demonstrated potent cytotoxicity against pancreatic, lung, prostate, colon, breast, skin and liver cancer cells as well as leukemia and gioblastoma. Researchers have identified a key compound responsible for sea cucumber's anti-cancer properties: a triterpenoid known as frondoside A.

A new study has now confirmed the anti-cancer effects of frondoside A at a whole new level. In the lab, it has killed up to 95 percent of ER+ breast cancer cells, 90 percent of melanoma cells, 95 percent of liver cancer cells and 85-88 percent of three different lines of lung cancer. 

But the benefits of this compound don't just stop at directly inducing programmed cell death (apoptosis). It also inhibits angiogenesis (the ability of tumors to grow new blood vessels to get their food) and stops cancer metastasizing by impeding cell migration and invasion. Even more intriguing is the ability of frondoside A to activate our immune system's natural killer cells to attack cancer cells. 

This has been shown for breast cancer in particular but may also apply to all cancers, because it involves the immune system and not cancer cells directly. This may partially explain why frondoside A was so effective at shrinking lung tumors in mice that it rivaled chemo drugs in performance.

Lung tumor shrinkage that rivals chemo drugs - without the side effects

Frondoside A is potently cytotoxic to three different types of lung cancer in vitro, including NCI-H460Luc2, LNM35 (non-small cell lung cancer) and A459 (epithelial adenocarcinoma). And when given to mice with xenografted human non-small cell lung cancer, it shrank the tumors by 40 percent in 10 days. This compares very well with the shrinkage of 47 percent obtained with a standard chemo drug. But the similarities between the two compounds stop there. 

The chemo drug used in this study is known to damage DNA and carry potent negative side effects, such as kidney damage and immunosuppression, and it may actually induce leukemia in the patient. Frondoside A, however, actually stimulates the immune system, potently kills leukemia cells and produced no visible side effects in the mice, according to the researchers - all at a fraction of the price of chemo. 

But the most impressive part of this study was that this was achieved at a very small dose of frondoside A - equivalent to less than a single milligram for an adult human weighing 75 kilograms. It is also noteworthy that frondoside A given together with the chemo drug shrank the tumor by a remarkable 68 percent.

The future of sea cucumber as a natural medicine for cancer

Sea cucumber extract is a highly promising natural medicine for cancer. There are currently two clinical trials using it (with other natural extracts) against myeloma and multiple myeloma, but more trials against breast and lung cancer are clearly called for, as a start. 

In the meantime, dried and powdered sea cucumber is available in North America in over-the-counter health supplements aimed at inflammatory conditions (such as arthritis), because sea cucumber also happens to be a rich source of chondroitin.

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